Additional Services

- Wymanway Health & Wellness LLC: For more in-depth, individualized health plans including fitness & stability training sessions, bi-monthly master chef classes, discounts on grass-fed farm products, biometric data tracking, and bi-weekly check-ins. Andrew's company offers a wide range of different health services which offers a free no obligation consultation to point you in the right direction to see what service might be beneficial for you. Visit:
- Lab Review: Have you ever received lab work from your doctor but didn't understand it? Request a consult by emailing and schedule a 30-minute visit for a thorough explanation on what your labs mean!
Note: emails sent to are not encrypted.
- Deaf patient visit: Are you deaf, hard of hearing, or use sign-language to communicate? Did you have trouble understanding your treatment plan provided by your primary care physician or were you prescribed medications and unsure what they are for? Dr. Hamilton is fluent in Sign-Language! You can schedule a 30-minute visit for physician visit explanations. Note: I do not have a degree or certification in ASL nor am I a sign-language interpreter. I grew up with a deaf mother using sign language all my life and I primarily use English Sign Language vs. ASL (my sign-language is not perfect but generally understood).
**Note: These 30-minute services are for explanation ONLY. For recommendations or course of action, you must have a New Patient Visit completed within the last year and a separate follow-up visit is required.
These services are scheduled via telephone call, email, or at the end of a prior visit.
Phone: 616-899-9447